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15 Recording Sessions

Bring your music to life and master the art of writing for live musicians via 15 studio recording sessions of your music with the European Recording Orchestra (ERO) on the MFA in Music for Motion Pictures and Contemporary Media degree program. This professional ensemble, composed of exceptional musicians from Sofia, Bulgaria, specializes in studio recordings for film, TV and more. By partnering with them, we provide you with an invaluable opportunity to enrich your portfolio and showcase your musical prowess.

How do the recording sessions work?

Masters composers participate in the recording process from start to finish. You’ll conceive of your music in the DAW, orchestrate it in Dorico, then score and parts prep everything the same way they do in London or LA. You’ll gain experience serving as librarian, facilitating scores and parts in recording order and distributing them to musicians. When recording time comes, you’ll be in the booth with our faculty, as well as ERO score supervisors and engineers, providing feedback on the way the ensemble is performing your music.

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How much music can you record on a session?

Throughout the one-year Masters experience, you will be allocated 20-minute recording slots during each session. This time frame allows you to record music up to 2 minutes in length, giving you the chance to fully realize your creative vision with a professional ensemble.

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Why put so much focus on recording sessions?

Our focus on recording sessions extends beyond the obvious portfolio-building benefits. We also equip you with invaluable skills in writing music for studio musicians and effective time management in the studio. Delivering outstanding results in the recording studio with live musicians is the gold standard in music for screen entertainment. By honing these skills, we ensure you're prepared to thrive in the industry and compete at the highest level.

What will you receive for your portfolio?

High fidelity audio is not the only thing our composers take away from each session. You will also receive multicam HD videos of your sessions. These videos serve as a visual representation of your music being recorded in the studio, enabling you to create professional videos that capture the essence of the session itself. It's the perfect tool to curate a portfolio that truly represents your unique talent.

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What will you record in each session?

Masters composers are exposed to a full gamut of ensembles, ensuring they have the opportunity to build a well-rounded portfolio that will enable them to experience success in the industry. These instrumentations change from year to year, but here's a pretty good look at what a year might look like for our Masters composers in the studio:

  • Solo Piano (2x)

  • String Quintet + 2 Woodwinds

  • 9-piece variety ensemble

  • 15-piece chamber orchestra

  • 25-piece strings & Bulgarian folk ensemble

  • 38-piece symphony orchestra

  • 41-piece string / woodwind ensemble

  • Hybrid Stem Session 1: Brass

  • Hybrid Stem Session 2: Woodwinds

  • Hybrid Stem Session 3: Strings

  • Hybrid Stem Session 4: Percussion

  • 64-piece symphony orchestra

  • 84-piece symphony orchestra + epic choir

  • 38-piece Major Project orchestra


Interested in more information?

Fill out the form below to receive personalized answers to your questions and more information about the Master of Fine Arts program. Don't forget to check your Junk folder.

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